Sonntag, 9. Mai 2010

Mother's day

Dass ich dies Blog überhaupt wieder eingerichtet habe, ist auf die entsprechende Interessensbekundung meiner Mutter zurückzuführen! Daher:
Fröhlichen Muttertag und virtuelle Blumen!


Jaja, früher hat man noch den Flieder aus Nachbars Garten geklaut....

Und hier noch ein wenig Historie:
The credit for the American Mother's Day observance goes to three women. In 1872 Julia Ward Howe (1819-1910), who also wrote the lyrics for "The Battle Hymn of the Republic," proposed a Mother's Day observance dedicated to peace in the years following the Civil War. Such annual observances were held in Boston in the late 1800s.

In 1907 Anna Marie Jarvis (1864-1948), a Philadelphia teacher originally from Grafton, West Virginia, began her own efforts to establish a national Mother's Day. She also wished to honor her own mother, Anna Reeves Jarvis (1832-1905), who had first promoted the "Mothers' Work Days" in 1858 as a way to improve the sanitary conditions in her town. She later worked to relieve suffering during and after the Civil War. With the support of churches, business people, and politicians, Mother's Day came to be observed on the second Sunday in May in most U.S. states within several years of Ann Jarvis' campaign. The national Mother's Day holiday became official on May 8, 1914 when President Woodrow Wilson signed a joint resolution, but it was more of a patriotic day on which flags were flown in honor of mom.

more pics, please
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comments, anyone?

Besser Blockhaus als...
Besser Blockhaus als Shining. Welche Wanderungen habt...
lunite - 23. Mai, 13:44
Oh, das wusste ich gar...
Oh, das wusste ich gar nicht! Und habe es leider leider...
lunite - 23. Mai, 13:42
39 Cent Gewinn nach ca. 1/2 Stunde Spielzeit! Wenn...
ninscha - 18. Mai, 20:56
Schnick - schnack. Vokabeln? Wie sieht es mit den GEWINNEN...
panoramics - 18. Mai, 20:04

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